Auto insurance requirements vary from state to state. Drivers should stay up to date on the current requirements for auto insurance to avoid fines, fees, and reproductions. In most cases, your auto insurance company will let their drivers know of any changes to the law or requirements.
Auto insurance helps keep you covered in the event of an accident where bodily injury or property injury may occur. Depending on the type of insurance you obtain, your insurance may cover the partial cost or all cost associated with an accident.
Common Auto Insurance
Liability insurance: If you are the cause of an accident, liability insurance helps cover the cost of the other driver’s expenses. If you cause an accident, bodily injury liability insurance covers the cost of the other driver’s medical expenses. Property damage liability insurance helps cover the expenses for damage to another driver’s vehicle. Liability insurance does not cover damage to your own car.
Collision Insurance: Collision insurance protects your car in the event of an accident involving another vehicle or object.
Comprehensive Insurance: Comprehensive insurance protects your car if your car is damaged in an event that does not involve an accident with another vehicle. For instance, comprehensive insurance protect your car if it is damaged by fire, natural disaster, vandalism, and falling objects. Not all states require their drivers have comprehensive insurance.
Talk to a representative from your insurance company to ensure you have the right coverage for your needs. Most insurance companies will keep their drivers informed on any changes to their policy or state law requirements.
To make sure you have the right type of coverage or to ask any questions you may have about auto insurance, contact MAIF Insurance Online. To schedule an appointment, call 301-842-6002 or get a free quote online.