Each state is required to offer liability auto coverage which can also be referred to as state minimum coverage. Typically, you can only choose to get a state minimum policy on a vehicle that you own outright. For example, if you are financing your vehicle, chances are the bank that is financing your vehicle will require you to carry a full coverage policy as this will also give their investment in your vehicle protection.
What Is The Difference Between Full Coverage and Liability?
- Full Coverage will cover you and your vehicle for loss and damages along with the other party involved in the accident, no matter who is at fault. This is the reason that most banks that finance vehicles will require you to carry a policy with full coverage so they are not at risk of losing the interest that they have in the vehicle.
- Liability coverage is often the state minimum, and will only cover the cost of the other driver’s property and bodily injuries if you are found at fault for the accident. Liability coverage will actually cover two forms of potential loss:
- One of these coverages in bodily injury that will apply to the other parties medical expenses if you are found at fault for the accident.
- The other part of the coverage is for the damages to the other parties property from the accident, again if you are found at fault for the accident.
What Are The State Minimum Requirements For Liability Coverage In Maryland?
- $30,000 bodily injury liability per person.
- $60,000 bodily injury liability per accident.
- $15,000 property damage liability per accident.
- $30,000 uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage per person.
- $60,000 uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage per accident.
- $15,000 uninsured/underinsured property damage coverage per accident.
What Should I Do?
It is the law to have at least the state minimum coverage that is listed above. It would be recommended to add coverage that you can afford to assist you if an unfortunate accident occurs, especially if you are at fault.
Contact Us For A Quote
If you are are looking for auto insurance and would like to learn more about the differences between liability and full coverage auto insurance, and how they can each benefit your situation, then contact us today for a quote. If you are simply seeking new car insurance, contact our team at Maryland Auto Insurance Provider Online.