Have you just gotten into a car accident? Are you wondering if your accident will increase your insurance? Getting into a car accident can increase your car insurance if you are found at fault. It’s important to know how much of an increase you can expect, as it can deeply impact your finances. We want to review how much car insurance can increase in Maryland after an at-fault accident and share the best tips for driving safely to prevent accidents and insurance increases. At MAIF, we are dedicated to providing car insurance in MD for drivers who want affordable policies and reliable coverage.
How Much Will Car Insurance Increase After an Accident?
In the state of Maryland, your car insurance can go up 52% after an at-fault accident. Insurance companies see at-fault drivers as more likely to file claims for driving incidents, which is why there is such a large jump in price.
There are many ways in which drivers can and cannot be at fault for an accident. Drivers would not be at fault if they were lawfully parked, hit in a hit-and-run, or in an accident caused by animals or falling objects.
If drivers were reimbursed by the person responsible for the accident, not convicted of a moving traffic violation while the other driver was, or rear-ended and not convicted of a moving traffic violation, then the driver would also not be at fault.
It will take 3 to 5 years for your car insurance to go down to previous levels, so it’s important to drive safely to keep your insurance down during that period of time. Driving safely can help prevent accidents and lower your insurance.
Best Tips for Driving Safely
Be a defensive driver; follow these tips to prevent accidents:
- Keep distance between you and the car in front of you. A three-second following distance can give you time to brake.
- Know when to take your turn. At a four-way stop, the first vehicle to arrive has the right of way. If two vehicles stop at the same time, the vehicle furthest to the right has the right of way. Vehicles going straight instead of turning also have the right of way, while vehicles turning right instead of left have the right of way.
- Don’t immediately go when a red light turns green. Make sure you’re looking both ways in case a driver runs a red light.
- Be attentive. Don’t let texting or talking take your attention from the road. Make sure your GPS audio is on if you need directions so you don’t have to look at your phone.
- Don’t drive impaired. Call a ride-sharing service if you’ve been drinking, and pick your car up later. It’s never worth it to drive under the influence.
Are you looking for auto insurance for your vehicle? Call your Maryland Auto Insurance Provider today at 301-842-6002. You can also get a free car insurance quote on our website. We’re here to help MD drivers get coverage and prevent accidents that increase insurance premiums.