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Make Sure You’re Covered with Motorcycle Insurance

Driving a motorcycle can be a freeing experience. But it can also be dangerous. Motorcycle accidents tend to be more costly in terms of personal injury and property damage. If you don’t have proper motorcycle insurance in Maryland, you could be paying for an accident out of pocket. Having the right insurance for whatever vehicle you choose to operate is crucial to help protect your financial future and avoid any legal troubles.

MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE in Maryland can help protect you financially against accidents

Is Motorcycle Insurance in Maryland Required?

Even if you have car insurance as a driver, you still need coverage for your motorcycle as well. Many insurance policies bundle car and motorcycle insurance together to save you time and money. However, this is not the default. If you don’t specifically seek motorcycle insurance, you may not be covered in an accident. 

Insurance Minimums

Maryland requires all motorcyclists to carry a minimum level of insurance. Motorcyclists have to follow the same 30/60/15 minimum that drivers need for auto insurance. This means having coverage for $30,000/person or $60,000/accident for bodily injury and $15,000/accident for property damage. However, motorcyclists are also required to carry two additional levels of insurance:

  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP) of at least $2,500 for passenger-related medical expenses
  • Uninsured motorist coverage and the 30/60/15 limit

Proof of motorcycle insurance must be sent to the MVA through FR-19 filing.

The Cost of Motorcycle Insurance

Because the nature of a motorcycle accident can lend itself to higher costs, some motorcycle insurance policies may be more costly than auto insurance coverage. However, the cost of coverage is more based on the motorcycle you’re insuring and the rider. Much like with car insurance, motorcycle coverage will be higher if you are a younger rider or are insuring a newer, more expensive model of vehicle. 

Penalties for Riding Uninsured

If you don’t have proper insurance coverage, you could face paying for an accident out-of-pocket. Not only is this a financial drain for injuries and property damages, but it can also restrict your motoring capabilities in the future. If you are found to be riding a motorcycle without meeting the minimum requirements, you could face additional fees and even loss of your vehicle registration. If you lose your motorcycle insurance, it’s crucial that you find a new policy as soon as possible.

Having Trouble Getting Motorcycle Insurance?

Not all insurance companies treat motorcycle insurance or riders fairly. And you may find yourself losing coverage for unexpected or unreasonable means. If this happens, MAIF may be able to help. We can provide motorcycle insurance policies to riders who have been unable to obtain coverage through two or more private lenders. If you recently lost your motorcycle insurance or have had trouble getting a policy, call a MAIF provider today at 301-499-0135 to see if you’re eligible for coverage.

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