Finding affordable car insurance isn’t always easy. This is especially true if you have a bad driving record or struggle to find any coverage at all. Getting cheap car insurance in MD can be difficult, especially if you don’t know where to look. However, choosing not to have any insurance at all is dangerous and illegal. Maryland drivers are required to carry a minimum level of insurance to help protect them and restore their vehicles after an accident. If you don’t have insurance because of a bad driving record, there may be a way to get cost-effective coverage.
Where to Find Cheap Car Insurance in MD With a Driving Record
Because insurance coverage is a legal requirement, the state of Maryland put the Maryland Auto Insurance Fund (MAIF) in place. MAIF was established to help drivers secure the insurance coverage they need when denied by private carriers. Many high-risk drivers can see high insurance premiums as a result of their driving record. If the risk of insuring a driver is too high, insurance companies may even drop coverage altogether. MAIF provides a cost-effective coverage option for high-risk drivers.
Can You Get MAIF if You Can’t Afford Insurance?
Although MAIF is designed to be low-cost insurance coverage, it’s not an option for everyone. MAIF is for drivers who are denied coverage due to their high-risk factors. Previous accidents and tickets can cause many private insurance companies to drop and deny coverage. MAIF helps these drivers meet their minimum insurance coverage without charging a premium that is too high. If you were dropped or denied coverage due to non-payment, you cannot apply for MAIF coverage. You can, however, look for additional insurance policies with a lower premium.
Types and Costs of Auto Insurance
Auto insurance isn’t a one-size-fits-all operation. Each policy is different, designed to help provide financial recuperation after an accident on the road. There are many different kinds of auto insurance, such as motorcycle insurance and commercial insurance. Each type will naturally cost a different amount, as the specific risks are higher or lower with some vehicles. Comparing costs across different types of coverage can make insurance seem confusing. But, your provider can help you understand why some premiums are higher than others and how coverage benefits outweigh the extra costs.
Need Help Finding Insurance?
If you struggle to find coverage through a private insurance carrier, MAIF Insurance Provider is here to help. We can offer cost-effective auto insurance coverage to drivers with any shape of driving history. Whether you need personal auto insurance, rideshare coverage, or motorcycle insurance, we can help you get the coverage you need. Visit your local MAIF provider to learn more about our coverage options and how we can help keep you financially safe on the road.